The Goal of this Module: Choosing The Market You Will Be Creating Products For And Selling Them To

Welcome to Module 3 of the AI Sales Machine!

Why Choosing The Right (Or Wrong) Market Will Determine The Fate Of Your Online Business

The market decides whether your business will sink or swim because only the market decides whether they want your product or not.

Let me share an unfortunate story about a fellow who refused to pay any attention to his market and suffered very expensive consequences:

When I was offering digital services and building websites for clients, I had a client who was very passionate about his idea for a ‘dropship coffee’ business. He wanted to sell bags of coffee online that featured photos of a 1950’s styled mobster on the front of them.

During our first meeting he raised a few red flags by sharing:

If you can’t already tell, this was a serious recipe for disaster.

Here’s why:

  1. If you don’t know your market… you won’t know what they are accustomed to buying, the prices they regularly buy at, the competition you are up against, how large (or small) the market is and if it even makes sense to sell them anything at all.